What is the Meltemi and why you should know about it.
The Meltemi is an extremely strong, dry summer wind that blows through the Aegean Sea and has been a part of Greek culture for thousands of years. It usually occurs during the months of June, July, August, and September, when the humidity is highest and the temperatures are most extreme.
The Meltemi is the most powerful in its strength and speed, reaching speeds of up to 90 km/h and gusts of over 100 km/h. It sometimes gains strength over land, becoming even stronger and more dangerous when it reaches the Aegean Sea. It is said that the wind is associated with the gods of the sea, the fishermen of the islands, and the ancient spirit of the Aegean Sea.
The Meltemi has both positive and negative effects on the islands of Greece. On the positive side, it helps to cool the extreme temperatures and create a more comfortable atmosphere. On the negative side, it can be dangerous for shipping and also makesthe waters of the Aegean choppy and difficult to navigate.
The Meltemi is also significant for the local economy, as it is an important aspect of the tourist season. The strong, steady winds lend themselves to a variety of watersports and aid in the sailing of vessels. It is also a source of power for wind turbines.